Mailing Lists

No such list bignum>

Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the right list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
Bast-commits Subversion commit emails for Bast (read-only)
Bignum [no description available]
Catalyst The elegant MVC web framework
Catalyst-commits Subversion commit emails for Catalyst (read-only)
Catalyst-de Catalyst-DE mailing list
Catalyst-dev Development of the elegant MVC web framework
Catmail [no description available]
Cider-webmail [no description available]
Config-loader [no description available]
DBD-SQLite DBD::SQLite developers list
DBIx-Class DBIx::Class user and developer list
DBIx-Class-Devel Discussion of DBIC development
Dbsrgits [no description available]
Devel-repl [no description available]
epo-articles Mailing List for Articles on the Register and elsewhere
Epo-bp 'EBP' gt 'DBP'
Epo-ec-advisors [no description available]
Epo-extended-core [no description available]
Epo-financials [no description available]
Epo-grants-in-progress [no description available]
Epo-ironman-authors [no description available]
Epo-ironman-post-of-the-month [no description available]
Epo-marketing [no description available]
Epo-members-announce EPO Members announce list
Handel A cart/order/checkout framework
HTML-FormFu HTML Form Creation, Rendering and Validation Framework
Html-widget [no description available]
Http-engine [no description available]
Livetunebook [no description available]
MetaCPAN [no description available]
Mojomojo Discussion of the wiki MojoMojo
Moose-commits [no description available]
Net-ssh2 [no description available] North West England Perl Mongers
number-phone Help and discussion mailing list for Number::Phone users
Perl-org-patches the entirely unofficial patch marshalling and discussion list
Perl5-syntax [no description available]
Redis [no description available]
Testtesttest Testing. Subscribe at your own risk.
Xml-compile [no description available]

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